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Vatican is the smallest country in the world. Size only 0.49 square km, population of just 764 people. It is situated inside Rome, the capital of Italy. This is such a small country that more than 3 thousand Vatican can be absorbed in Delhi.
This small country is the center of faith of the 130 million Catholic population of the world. The Pope is the political and religious leader here. That is, the religious leaders of the people of almost as the population of India. The Vatican is an empire and the Pope here is the king.
Who is the Pope, what is the importance of this post, why is the Vatican country the main center of the Catholic Church… will know in this story…

Question 1. Who is the Pope, and why are they so special?
answer: Pope Catholic is the largest religious leader of Christianity. The number of Christians in the world is 240 crores. Of these, 130 crore are Catholic. The Pope is considered the successor of St. Peter. St. Peter was chosen by Jesus Christ to lead his followers.
The main obligations of the Pope include meeting the leaders of the world and making efforts for peace. They appoint cardinals (Group of Pope’s advisors), bishops and other church officials. The Pope meets people from the Catholic community around the world and preach Christianity.

Question 2: What is the history of the Pope post?
answer: The Pope post begins with St. Peter. He was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. According to Catholic beliefs, Jesus Christ made St. Peter the leader of his followers. This made him the first bishop of Rome (Italian capital). St. Peter was murdered between 64 and 68th centuries during the reign of Emperor Nero of Rome. His tomb later became St. Peters Basilica (Church of Vatican City).
Initially the Pope was called a bishop. Emperor Constantin recognized Christianity in the 313rd AD. After this, the influence of the Pope started increasing. In 380th AD, Emperor Theodosius I declared Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire. This further increased the strength of the Pope.
In 1309 AD, the Pope’s office shifted to Avignon, France. However, it was shifted back in 1377 AD. From 756 AD to 1870, Central Italy ruled the Pope with Roman Catholic effects (Paple States).

Question 3. What is Vatican, and why is it special?
answer: The Vatican is the head of the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church. The Pope lives in the Epostolic Palace here. The Vatican is surrounded by Rome, the capital of Italy. There are pastors and nuns of many countries. The population is 764.
Vatican became an independent country in 1929
- Political and social movement continued in Italy in the 19th century. The Vatican was then part of Rome. During this time there was tension between the forces of the Catholic Church and the integration of Italy.
- After the integration of Italy in 1870, the Pope’s papal came to an end political control over the states. Their rights were limited to Vatican only.
- In 1929, the Vatican City was established as a separate country under the Lateran Treaty. It was also recognized as a separate empire. The Pope was considered its political-religious leader and king.
- It was also decided in this treaty that Rome would be given a special place in the center of the Catholic Society and considered to be a pilgrimage center.

Question 4: How is the Roman Catholic Church different from the rest of the church?
answer: The Roman Catholic Church is the largest sect of Christianity. In addition, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox are two other major sects of the Christian community. The Roman Catholic Church is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Along with the Bible as well as the church traditions, also considers the basis of religion and faith.
Catholic Church considers these principles…
A god: Which exists in three forms. This is three elements:
- Father (God the Father) – Creator of the entire universe
- Son (Jesus Christ)- son and avatar of God
- Holy Spirit- divine power of God
mother Mary: The Catholic Church gives special respect to Mother Mary of Jesus. She is believed to have reached heaven along with the body. Mary has been given a special place in Catholic prayers.
Palgary: According to Catholic belief, the soul is purified before death before going to heaven. This is the place where souls atone for their sins after death. After being freed from their sins, souls go to heaven.

Disputes related to Pope and Catholic Church
1. Vetillax Scandal
In 2012, Pope Benedict was the XVI Pope. Then a book called ‘His Holiness’ was published, based on his secret documents. These private documents were leaked by his butler of the Pope to a writer.
An internal investigation took place after examining these documents. It revealed that some outsiders were blackmailing gay bishops, as they had broken their rules of celibacy. After this dispute, Pope Benedict XVI resigned from the Pope post in 2013.
2. Sexual abuse with children in Catholic churches
The Catholic Church has been accused for a long time that many priests and saints have exploited children. In April 2014, Pope Francis accepted the sexual abuse of children in churches for the first time and also sought public apology. Earlier, Vatican was criticized for not reacting to the matter by a pope.
3. Catholic Church priests produced children
In February 2019, the New York Times reported in an article that many Vatican priests have their own children. The Vatican has created a secret guideline for such priests.
According to the CNN report, the Vatican spokesperson had said that I can confirm that this guideline exists. This document is for use inside the Vatican. It is not to publish.
The Vatican spokesperson had said that under these secret guidelines, the pastor who produces children is asked to renounce his post as a father and take his responsibility as a father.
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