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Hotel Room Safety {Tips From Seasoned Travelers}

Hotel Room Safety Tips

Hotel Room Safety Tips
Post Last Modified – March 14, 2025 ¦

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Hotel Room Safety Tips For Travelers

Travel has resumed relatively safe once again for all of us, after a few horrible years facing the global pandemic. It’s been a long awaited return, especially for those of us who just love to travel. As a result, I’ve updated my post here on …

🏨 Hotel Room Safety Tips 🏨

as a reminder, to be aware of your belongings and valuables when staying in unfamiliar places.

Unfortunately, 🕵 crooks work year round, and do prey on hotel and resorts around the 🌎 world. Here are few 🏨 Hotel Room Safety Tips to think about, to help keep you and your valuables, safe and secure during your stay.

Hotel Room Safety Hacks

Check Your Room Carefully

Hotel Room Safety

When checking into your room, take a good look around and ask yourself;

✔ Is the door secure and does it have good security locks?

✔ If there is a patio door, does it lock securely? This is especially important if your room is on the ground floor.

✔ Is there an in room safe, and is it securely fastened? Does it have a programmable security code you can enter?

✔ If the locks in your room are insufficient, then ask for a new room right away. If a new room is unavailable, ask for a maintenance person to come and fix the problem; asap.

I know this is something that most of us rarely think of, especially when we are excited and having just arrived. Particularly so, at one of those 🏖 all-inclusive resorts, and you’re anxious, to get started on your long awaited vacation.

One would assume that everything will be {safe and secure}, but unfortunately, that’s not always the case. 🙁

hotel maid stealing

Sticky fingers can be found pretty much everywhere around the world these days!


Hotel Security Tips – Good To Know

Leaving Your Room For The Day

hotel room theft

I have always said …

📧“Trust Your Instincts!” 📧

Depending on where you are traveling to and the type of hotel or resort you are staying at, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Here are a few things we always do in our room, when going out for the day, and/or evening.

✔ Make sure your valuables are hidden well, or locked away somewhere. If there is no room safe, we always lock our valuables in a suitcase, with a secure lock. Then we place a few items on top of that suitcase, that we’ve locked.

hotel room safe

✔ Always leave the television on low and if at night, keep a light on in the room.

✔ Never leave a door tag outside to have the; Maid Clean The Room!

They will always get around to cleaning your room, while making their rounds during the day. We have even put the Do Not Disturb Sign on the door handle at times.

Do Not Disturb Door Sign

✔ Never leave items hanging around the room, that may lead a staff member into temptation. Something they normally would not do, otherwise.

There have been times when traveling to remote parts of the world, where we have actually had to; hide valuables behind drawers and other hidden areas of our hotel and/or guest rooms. Just to keep them out of site and little more hidden from sticky fingers.

I even recall having to hide money in the hotel room mini fridge, at one time. You just have to use your imagination, when all else fails! 🙂

As well, many times when leaving our hotel rooms, we have had to take our passports and cash, along with us.
There were no other safe alternatives available at that time. In many cases and depending on where you are staying, the front desk may have a secure safe, for guests to put their valuables in.

Top Hotel Safety Tips For Travelers

Stay Safe And Secure When Traveling

hotel break ins

In wrapping up, it’s always good idea to consider what you are actually bringing along with you in the first place.

Unfortunately, hotel theft and break ins occur more often than we think or are aware of. Even what we may think are the safest of hotels and resorts around the world, they still experience theft. Ask yourself;

❓Are you bringing valuables with you, that you really need to have with you❓

Helpful Tips Banner

Let’s say, you’re taking a one week 🏝 tropical vacation to an all inclusive resort, for example.

❓Do you really need to bring along your valuable 💍 jewelry with you, and take the chance of having it stolen or lost❓


How much 💵 cash are you carrying with you?

Are there easy accessible 🏧 {ATM} money outlets at your chosen destination? Places, where you can easily withdraw cash from, when you need it.

There are so many simple things one can do these days, to help prevent theft from your; person and in your hotel and/or other choice of accommodation.

Robert Tellier in India

On our travels throughout India, my Stashbelt Money Belt and my Tilley Endurables Hat with a velcro pouch inside, were great for securing money and other important items.

My pair of Tilley casual shorts had heavy duty zipper pockets, which were great as well!

This especially so, while walking the extremely congested streets of; New and Old Delhi. The 📸 photo above, shows me wearing my all weather and very light {Tilley Hat}, complete with a hidden compartment inside at the top, to stash your cash.

I never had to worry about my cash going missing at all, unless of course, someone may have wanted to; swipe my hat from me! 🙂


With all our years of travel around the globe, knock on wood, we have been very fortunate to not have lost anything during our travels. We always try to use {common sense} and take as many precautions as we can, to keep ourselves and our valuables as safe and secure as we can.

Vacation Safety Tips

It’s up to you to do as much as you possibly can, to help prevent theft and break ins, in your hotel room and elsewhere when traveling. Stuff happens, but we can do a few things to deter unnecessary occurrences from happening, in the first place.

Final Thoughts Banner

Just a little food for thought the next time you travel. Here’s something that really surprised me as well.
Check out my post here on …

  Air Travel In-Flight Theft
The friendly skies are no longer so friendly, especially on those; ✈ long-haul flights!

🛡 I Only Endorse Products/Services That Can Be Trusted & Verified & That I’ve Personally Used! 🛡

😎 Safe and Healthy Travels! 😎

signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

All personal 📸 photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
🚫 Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 🚫

✨   Did You Know …

“A Third Of All The Airports In The World Are Situated In The United States.”

📹 📸 Join Me On Instagram For Travel Photos, Video’s & More! 📸 📹

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