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Gaza Hamas Protest Photos update; Israel War | Middle East Crisis | Hamas opposition for the first time in Gaza: Thousands of Palestinians came out on the streets from the war, raising slogans to overthrow Hamas

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There were protests against Hamas at 3 places in Gaza on Tuesday, which included thousands of people. People called Hamas a terrorist organization and demanded to leave power.

This is the first time after the Israeli-Gaja war began, when such a large number of people have come out on the streets united against Hamas. People were shouting slogans of ‘Hamas go out, Hamas are terrorists’, ‘We want to overthrow Hamas’.

The people who are performing ‘Want to live’ and ‘Children in Palestine’, were written posters. Hamas’s fighters also beat up the protesting people and tried to isolate them.

These fighters with masks had weapons. Social activists, considered critics of Hamas, made some videos viral on social media.

4 pictures related to war in Gaza …

Palestinian attended a rally at Bet Lahia of North Gaza Patti to end the war.

Palestinian attended a rally at Bet Lahia of North Gaza Patti to end the war.

During a rally in Bet Lahia, a girl is carrying a board written in Arabic. It is written- "Children of Palestine: We want to live",

During a rally in Bet Lahia, a girl is carrying a board written in Arabic. It states- “Children of Palestine: We want to live”.

Children have placards written in Arabic. It is written- We refuse to die.

Children have placards written in Arabic. It is written- We refuse to die.

The protest against Hamas took place in front of the Indonesian Hospital in the northern area of ​​Gaza Patti.

The protest against Hamas took place in front of the Indonesian Hospital in the northern area of ​​Gaza Patti.

Message of joining protest was found on Telegram

The protesters also targeted a news channel, who is funded by Qatar’s government. The protesters said that Hamas’s opponents had appealed to the Telegram to join the demonstration, after which people mobilized.

A person named Mohammed told the news agency AFP, “I don’t know who organized the Protest. I just participated in it because I am tired of war.” Mohammed did not say his last name for fear of being identity.

A protestor said, ‘People are demanding the media to cover these incidents. People are demanding independence, they are demanding to stop enmity against Gaza. They are seeking peace and ending this war.

Hamas’s supporters have appealed not to pay attention to these demonstrations. He said that those participating in them are ‘traitors’.

Hamas opponents increased in Israel

Hamas critics have increased after the war with Israel. The last time in September 2024, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) conducted a survey in Gaza. In this, 35% of people opposed Hamas and 26%. A year ago, in October 2023, 71% of people supported Hamas while 21% were people against him.

Hamas (Harkat al-Mukavama al-Islamia) was established in 1987. Its purpose was to struggle against Israel and establish the Palestinian kingdom. Hamas won for the first time in the Palestinian legislative elections held on 25 January 2006.

Hamas won 74 out of 132 seats, while his opponents Fatah got only 45 seats. This victory gave Hamas a chance to be a part of power in the Palestinian Authority (PA). However, violent conflict broke out between Fatah and Hamas in June 2007, killing more than 600 people. Hamas won in this. Since then Gaza was occupied by Hamas and West Bank.

More than 50 thousand Palestinian killed in Gaza

According to the data of March 25, more than 50 thousand Palestinian people have died in the Israel-Hamas Jung. Whereas, more than 1 lakh 13 thousand people have been injured.

The ceasefire began in December between Israel-Hamas. It ended in January. After this, once again Israel has started attacking Gaza. So far 673 people have died in the attack started after the ceasefire.

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