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Australia False Killer Whales Mass Stranding Update | Tasmania Beach | Australia will kill 90 whales: more than 150 Tasmania stuck on the banks of Tasmania, could not be sent back to the sea

Australia False Killer Whales Mass Stranding Update | Tasmania Beach | Australia will kill 90 whales: more than 150 Tasmania stuck on the banks of Tasmania, could not be sent back to the sea

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Rescue workers tried to send these whales back to the sea, but returned to the coast due to strong winds. - Dainik Bhaskar

Rescue workers tried to send these whales back to the sea, but returned to the coast due to strong winds.

More than 150 Falls Killer Whales came to the whale on a beach on Tuesday night in the state of Tasmania, Australia. Of these, only 90 have been left alive till Wednesday morning. The officials have now decided to kill these whales as well.

Actually these whales have not been sent back to the sea. The people of the rescue team tried to send them back but returned due to strong wind and sea waves.

Authorities have decided to kill these whales to reduce them. According to Brendon Clarke, an officer of Tasmania Park, due to the difficult area, machines could not be sent here for their rescue.

Officials have appealed to the common people not to go to the whales area. This area is of great importance for the tribal community here. In Australia, the most whales are trapped on the west coast of Tasmania.

Photo of whales stuck on the beach …

Falls killer whales mostly live in herds. When one gets trapped, the other whales come to help them.

Falls killer whales mostly live in herds. When one gets trapped, the other whales come to help them.

These whales are very friendly with humans.

These whales are very friendly with humans.

The common people have been appealed to go to the area with whales.

The common people have been appealed by the whales area to go.

Rescue workers are constantly trying to save whales.

Rescue workers are constantly trying to save whales.

Whales send a message to each other

According to experts, most whales are always together. If one whale gets stuck somewhere, then everyone else starts following him. This is the reason why so many whales die together on the banks of the coastline.

Many times one whales come to the shore and then send signs to other whales in the discomfort. On receiving the signals of that whale, other whales also start coming to him and get trapped. The whale expert says that even when the water level is low, they go astray many times.

Name received due to skull According to the International Whaling Commission, these whales have been given the name Falls Killer Whale due to the size of their skull, which resembles the killer whales. This species with a length of up to 6 meters behaves like a small dolphin. They weigh between 500 kg to 3000 kg.

These whales like to live in the herd just like killer whales and sperm whales. Falls killer whales eat many types of fish and squid. Sometimes they also eat small dolphins and sperm whales.

Humans threatened by living on the banks of Mary Whales

When the whale dies, the bacteria present in his body start making methane gas. – This process begins to start only after the death of fish. – When the gas is not able to get out of the body, the stomach burst. – The whale’s body is large, so gas is produced in high amounts in it. Due to this, their stomach is cut off in time after the death of whale fish. – Many such cases have been reported earlier, when people have also been injured due to the explosion of Mary Whale.


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