Ukraine-russia war: Relationships between Ukraine President Volodimir Gelnsky and Donald Trump are not going well at this time. Trump is now showing a tough stance on Jailnsky as well as Europe. He has indicated that USA may be different from NATO.
If the US comes out of NATO, Europe will face serious challenges to ensure its safety against Russia.
Ban on all assistance given to Ukraine
US President Donald Trump has prohibited the assistance given to Ukraine until the President Volodimir Jailsky commitment to end the war with Russia. Citing unknown officials, Fox News said that this order is going to come soon.
Learn why America is needed
The USA is currently the most powerful member of NATO. He has a high-tech base of $ 4 trillion, aircraft career, missiles and drones. Europe will not lack soldiers due to the removal of the USA, but they may lack modern weapons. According to The Sun report, if the soldiers are talked about, the European Union i.e. EU has 1,298,969 active military personnel and Russia has 1,000,000. Reserve personnel EU has 1,750,132 and Russia has 2,000,000.
Europe will have to increase strength
According to The Sun’s report, Europe will have to double defense spending over the next five years to increase its military capabilities, requiring 300,000 additional soldiers recruitment and 1,400 new tanks. Apart from this, Europe will also require structures such as high-technical bases and aircraft carriers. However, European countries have an edge over Russia in fighter aircraft, helicopters and other major equipment and can play an important role in France and Britain’s nuclear resistance.
Talking about total tanks, EU has 4,377 and Russia has 12,267 tanks. The armored fighter vehicles are 30,510 near Europe and Russia has 24,172. Russia (4,331) is far ahead of EU’s 778 in rocket artillery. The fighter aircraft EU has 5,392 and Russia has less than 4,418. Europe has 59 by adding UK submarines. At the same time, Russia has 66 submarines.
Talking about nuclear weapons, 519 nuclear weapons are with the European Union including UK and France. At the same time, Russia has 5,889 nuclear weapons. NATO General Secretary Mark Roote has warned that Russian victory over Ukraine will cause serious damage to NATO’s credibility, which may cost trillions of dollars to restore.
Learn what is NATO
NATO ie North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military alliance, which was established on 4 April 1949. Its main objective is to ensure security of member countries and provide collective defense. The most important policy of NATO is collective defense, which is defined under Article 5. According to this, if any member country of NATO is attacked, then it will be considered an attack on all member countries and they will protect it together.
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