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Wanderlust | Extraordinary People, Quirky Places {Book Review}


Post Last Modified – February 22, 2025 ¦

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Extraordinary People – Quirky Places – Curious Cuisine

As a Baby Boomer Travel, Health & Wellness Blogger and avid reader, I’ve included a book reviews segment to my blog. My most recent read is the featured author’s latest publication called;

🌺 Wanderlust Extraordinary People – Quirky Places – Curious Cuisine 🌺

Upon hearing of Karen’s latest travel memoirs release, I was delighted to have the opportunity to read and to offer a personal review of her new publication.

About The Author – Karen Gershowitz

Wanderlust Author

Since leaving home for Europe alone at 17, Karen has traveled to more than ninety countries. In pursuit of her passion for travel, she lost and gained friends and lovers, making a radical career change.

She learned courage and risk taking, and succeeded at things she didn’t think she could do.

Mt Kilimanjaro Summit Sign

She climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, visited remote areas of Indonesia on her own and became a translator, though only fluent in English.

Karen is also the author of; Travel Mania: Stories of Wanderlust. She now writes regularly for;
Journey Woman and International Swans.

She hopes her example will inspire armchair traveler’s to become explorers and embolden everyone to be more courageous.

Wanderlust – Review

Wanderlust Book Cover
I’m always encouraged and excited to read of other’s amazing travel adventures and experiences.
They not only offer inspiration, but further fuel my ….


Wanderlust [ won-der-luhst ]
:a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
:German, from wandern to wander + Lust desire, pleasure

Karen isn’t your ordinary traveler. She loves to explore, experience and mingle with the locals as much as she can,
much like I do. She is also a {foodie} and enjoys sampling the local cuisine, wherever she travels to.

One of our favorite things to do when traveling to new destinations is to go on a food tour with a local.
A great opportunity to sample local dishes and discover some incredible eateries along the way!


Karen has a unique style of writing, and includes some wonderful travel stories of places she’s visited over the years.

Her book not only offers travel inspiration on what she writes about, but also gives an honest and personal account of her experience along the way, at each destination.

Final Thoughts Banner

From Australia, Vietnam, to Newfoundland and various destinations in the United States, if you love to travel and enjoy reading about the adventures of others, then you will certainly enjoy Karen’s latest book.


If you prefer less touristy and out of the ordinary places, enjoy unique travel adventures, sampling the local cuisine, then this book is a must read and a great inspiration for travel.

One of my most favorite travel quotes of all time is …

“Don’t Think About What They Say … Go See!”

I’ve included a link below to Karen’s website, where you can access more detailed information on her books,
blog posts and travel photos on her many exciting adventures!

 Karen Gershowitz

🔖 Goodreads Review 🔖
Wanderlust: Extraordinary People, Quirky Places, and Curious Cuisine
Wanderlust: Extraordinary People, Quirky Places, and Curious Cuisine by Karen Gershowitz

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A delightful read on author Karen Gershowitz’s world adventures!

Covering over 90 countries, Karen is an adventure traveler who steps out of the box and dare’s to explore where others would not. If you love travel and reading of others exciting adventures, you will surely enjoy Karen’s travel memoirs. Her book encourages and inspires others to travel to new exciting destinations around the world!

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signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

🔖 Although this publication was provided in collaboration with its author, rest assured, all content and opinions are mine and reflect my personal experience only. 🔖

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