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Unschooling Method Getting Vast Know What will be the career of unschooling child

Unschooling Method getting vast know what will Be the Career of Unschooling Children Which Countries Are Working in This Direction अनस्कूलिंग करने वाले बच्चों का कैसा होगा करियर, कौन से देश इस दिशा में कर रहे काम?

A new trend is making its place fast worldwide, ‘Anscooling’, moving away from the traditional education system. It is a model of education in which children are given the freedom to learn according to their interest and natural curiosity by keeping children out of formal school system. But the question arises whether the future and career of children who get such education will be safe?

Know what is Anscooling

Anscooling is a way of education in which children learn at their interest and speed, without a prescribed course or school schedule. It is also different from homescooling, because in this, parents encourage children not on any fixed course but their natural curiosity. According to education expert Dr. Amit Sharma, ‘Anscooling emphasizes children on learning through Real-World Experiences. In this, children are encouraged to ask questions, search and find out their interests.

Possibility of Anscooling and Career

The question arises in the minds of many people that what will be their career if children do not go to school? Will they be able to succeed in a competition job market? Supporters of Anusuling believe that such education children are often equipped with more self-sufficient, creative and problem-saolving skills. They keep more inclination towards entrepreneurship and are more flexable in adopting new ideas.

Global studies of anscooling show that children learning from this method often make a career in areas such as creative arts, technology innovation and social entrepreneurship. Apart from traditional jobs, these children are more successful in finding new career paths.

Education expert Dr. Meera Gupta says, ‘The importance of skills in digital age has exceeded the degree. Many big companies such as Google and Apple no longer consider formal degrees to be the egyptian criterion of hiring, but emphasizes practical skills and innovative thinking.

However, there are also challenges. Unusual children may face a shortage of formal degrees and certificates, which many employees still give importance.

Know which countries are promoting Unsscooling?


Finland, whose education system is already considered to be the best in the world, is now including the concept of Unsscooling in its mainstream education system. Here “Phenomenon-Based Learning” is being promoted, which focuses on the concepts of real life by erasing the boundaries of subjects.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, Anscooling is legal recognized and the government accepts it as an alternative education route. The Ministry of Education here provides resources and support to the families of uneducating.


Many provinces of Canada have flexible rules for uneasiness. Here “Unschooling-friendly communities” are increasing, where families share their experiences and exchange resources.

Anscooling status in India

Anscooling in India is currently in the initial stage, but its popularity in urban areas is increasing. Many families are adopting this option in cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai and Pune.

Educationist Sudha Raman says, “The legal framework for unemployment in India is not yet clear, but the new education policy gives importance to flexibility and options in 2020, which can create a favorable environment for alternative education models like Anscooling.”

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