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Travel Blogs | Traveler’s Favorite Places {Top Ten Revealed}

Travel Blogs Favorite Places

Travel Blogs Favorite Places
Post Last Modified – March 12, 2025 ¦

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Top Travel Blog Owners Share Their Most Favorite Destination

I always enjoy reading about the adventures and travel experiences of other travel bloggers, from around the world. Most of these bloggers, have traveled extensively to many different and sometimes, unheard of destinations.

Because of this, I asked a select few, to reveal from their…

🌺 Travel Blogs – Favorite Places

they’ve absolutely, loved visiting in all their travels.

As you are about to see, the 🌎 world is big and the answers given my each blogger, certainly are unique, for each individual.

My family and I have also been very fortunate, to have been able to travel extensively, over the years. We’ve travelled to some wonderful countries and it really is hard, to pick a; most favorite destination.

They have all been an amazing experience, with memories from each destination visited, that will last a lifetime. If I was asked and had to pick one, then I would have to say …

My Favorite Travel Destination

Champagne Beach South Pacific

Champagne Beach South Pacific

Back in 2014, my wife and I traveled ‘Down Under’ to 🦘 Australia, for the very first time. Both of us loved this country and we had the pleasure of returning a second time, a few seasons ago.

On our first visit, we embarked on a fabulous 11 night …

🛳 Royal Caribbean South Pacific Cruise 🛳
This cruise departed from beautiful; ⚓ Sydney Harbor.

During the cruise, we made port in 🌴 Luganville, Vanuatu. Once ashore, we made our way to 🏝 Champagne Beach, about a 40 minute drive from town. We were one of the first to arrive and had this hidden gem of a 🏖 beach,
all to ourselves.
It was absolutely 📸 picture perfect and especially, for a beach lover!

Crystal clear water with colors changing as you looked out, with powder white sand, as soft as cooking flour under your feet. Located in a small protected Bay on this one of many, beautiful … 🏝 Islands in the South Pacific! 🏝

It was picture perfect! 😎

Sure there have been many other wonderful places we have visited over the years, but this was absolutely … Beautiful!

Top Bloggers – Favorite Destinations

Gyspy Nester – Newfoundland

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #1

While it is hard to pick a favorite, we fell in love with Newfoundland. Natural beauty abounds, from Gros Morne National Park to the birds at Cape St. Marys, and the people are as warm and friendly as anywhere, we’ve ever been.

There are unique experiences to be found all across the island. Vikings at the L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site, whitewater rafting on the; Exploits River and at Twillingate, we kayaked with 🐳 whales, dolphins, and icebergs!

Be sure to get Screeched In, and become an honorary Newfoundlander.

headshot square 400

David & Veronica are experiencing the collision of Baby Boomer and Empty Nester. Upon sending their youngest out into the big, wide world, they set out to break the; empty nest rules, by selling everything and hitting the road. To become more than empty nesters, to be gypsies – GypsyNesters!

Along the way they rediscovered the couple who fell in love years ago and chronicled, their journey in a new book … Going Gypsy: One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All.

Read more about their escapades at 📰 GypsyNester

yTravelblog – Broome Western Australia

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #2

Broome Western Australia
Our favorite destination is Broome, Western Australia. It’s the exotic flavor of Asia, mixed with the rugged Australian outback, and the chilled out; Aussie beach living. It’s also a great base to explore one of Australia’s most incredible regions: The Kimberley.

It’s remote, isolated, filled with adventure and many stunning sites to be enthralled by, such as; rugged gorges, epic waterways, incandescent ocean and a few wild crocs!


Caz Makepeace wants to live in a world, where people fearlessly follow what’s in their heart and embrace travel as more than just a two week, annual thing. She’s the co-founder of one of the world’s biggest travel blogs, alongside her husband; Craig.

When they’re not traveling and writing about it, you can find them swinging in a; beach hammock at sunset to the tunes of Jack Johnson, or screaming in the stands of their favorite sporting match.

Connect with them on 📰 Facebook

Tanama Tales – Sedona Arizona

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #3

Sedona Arizona

For a person in love with travel, it is difficult to pick a favorite destination. But lately, I have been dreaming more than usual, with Sedona, Arizona. I visited during the month of November, when the crowds were small and the beautiful weather conditions, allowed for miles and miles of views.

Sedona is notorious for two things: the red rocks and the vortexes (centers of energy). Since I enjoy proximity with nature, the huge buttes and promontories rising from the valley floor in different shapes and forms, left me impressed.

The panorama is always changing before your eyes. The light, hitting the rocks from different angles during the day, accentuates or masks, the orange, cream and yellow tones. The surreal scene is completed by terracotta soils, scruffy vegetation and a plethora of clouds.

In addition, the area is full of hiking trails, taking you to; rivers, creeks, arches and formations. There’s superb attractions, activities, small towns, good places to eat and cozy places, to sleep. I can’t wait for my return to the area.

I feel like I saw only a minuscule portion of the amazing natural beauty on this corner, of the State.

Ruth Rieckehoff writes for people interested in exploring life’s off-the-beaten-path options. Lately, she has been obsessed with; wild beaches, piers and ethnic neighborhoods.

Find her life, love and travel stories at her blog 📰 Tanama Tales.

Hole in the Donut – Nepal Puma Cultural Home Stay

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #4


Of the 50+ countries I’ve visited in my lifetime, my hands-down favorite is … Nepal. Aside from the majestic scenery, which ranges from the world’s tallest mountain (Mt. Everest), to tiger and elephant-filled national parks in the southern jungles, I am constantly intrigued, by the ethnic diversity.

The census of the government of Nepal, shows a whopping 102 different ethnic groups, in the country. Each of which, has its unique; customs, tradition, dress, food, and religion. Perhaps most impressive is the warmth, which I have been welcomed into local homes, throughout the country, and the lifelong friendships, that have resulted.

There is an indefinable “something special” about Nepali people, that draws me back, time after time. Add to this the fact that the cost of living, is among the lowest in the world. As an American citizen, I can stay up to five months per year and Nepal becomes one of the best, travel destinations in the world.

When Barbara Weibel realized she felt like the proverbial “hole in the donut.” Solid on the outside, but empty on the inside. She walked away from corporate life and set out, to see the world.

Read first-hand accounts of the places she visits and the people she meets, at …
📰 Hole in the Donut Cultural Travels


Goats on the Road – Guanajuato Mexico

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #5

Goats On The Road in Guanajuato

Choosing a favorite destination is like choosing your favorite child, it’s impossible. Each destination in the world is special for a certain reason and each has something different, to offer the traveler. But for the purpose of this article, I’ll try to narrow down our favorite country, to just one.

We’ve decided, that Mexico is our top country for traveling! Many people (mainly North Americans), associate this southern country with … all-inclusive holiday packages and gated resorts.

However, if you travel independently here, you’ll be surprised at what you find. Incredible golden beaches span the western coast, while powdery white sands and turquoise, blue waters are located in the Yucatan Peninsula.

The people are welcoming, warm and willing to help travelers. The food is incredible and if you thought it was only tacos, think again. Regional dishes are found in each State and the cuisine here, is actually quite diverse.

The colonial sights, museums and architecture, are very impressive and the natural landscapes, are beautiful as well.

On top of all of this, Mexico is a very affordable country to travel through. Check it out for yourself, we’re sure you’ll be impressed, by what you see!

goats on the road Nick and Dariece are the couple behind Goats On The Road 📰 Goats On The Road.
Their website is designed to show others how to turn their travels into a; lifestyle. Masters at making money abroad, they’ve been on the road since 2008 and have explored, some of the least visited places on earth.

WildJunket – Antarctica

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #6


There are so many places that have truly blown my mind, such as; Bhutan, Madagascar and Papua New Guinea, but my absolute favorite place has got to be … Antarctica.
Traveling to Antarctica feels like you’re heading to the edge of the world, where animals, roam freely and nature reigns.

We human beings are just voyeurs, taking a peek into a world that’s left, just the way it should be – pristine, raw, untainted and absolutely stunning.

I will always remember gliding by icebergs bigger than the vessel, zipping just inches away, from whales and leopard seals. Sitting on the snow, only to have penguins come up to me and say … hi!

Nellie HuangAuthor of The Adventure Traveler’s Handbook and contributor to; BBC Travel, CNN, Travel+Leisure Asia, Wend and Explorer Magazine.

You can visit her travel blog at 📰 WildJunket.

Mapping Megan – Iceland

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #7


Photo: Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon.

Iceland is by far my favorite travel destination and easily, the best place we have visited. It is one of the last untouched destinations left on earth. It’s exotic, naturally beautiful, and largely untouched by tourism, which we absolutely love.

We’re advocates for traveling off the beaten path and huge fans, of heading out into the wild, without being followed by hordes of travelers and tourist buses.

Iceland is the perfect destination for this and the landscape is spectacularly beautiful! Waterfalls, glaciers, volcanic activity, dramatic fjords, snow capped mountains and geothermal lagoons, it’s truly out of this world!

South Iceland – Don’t miss it!

Megan is an Australian Journalist, and the founder and Senior Editor of 📰 Mapping Megan

An award-winning adventure travel blog, bringing you the latest in adventure travel, from all over the globe.

With the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure, Megan and husband Mike, believe travel has the potential to inspire change in people, and in turn, inspire change in the world.

They embraced travel as a lifestyle in 2007 and are dedicated, to documenting their journey and observations through; entertaining, candid articles and brilliant photography.

Global Gallavanting – Cambodia

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #8

bayon faces angkor temples

When you’ve been travelling for 2 years, the hardest question is … ‘what is your favorite destination!’
Whilst I love Australia and find India really incredible, my favorite place in the world, has to be … Cambodia.

I fell in love with Cambodia almost as soon as I’d crossed the border. First, she charmed me and captured my imagination with her idyllic and undeveloped countryside, emerald rice paddies scattered with quaint, delightfully dilapidated towns and undeveloped, white sand islands with impossibly clear turquoise seas.

After a shocking past, there is now so much to love about this small, poor; South East Asian country. Home to the most incredible sights I’ve seen so far, the impressive ancient temples at; Angkor Wat and delicious food.
Traveling here is super cheap and you can find accommodation from; $5 a night and a beer, for 50 cents if you choose.

Perhaps the thing about Cambodia that captured my heart so much, was the; inspiring and infectious optimism, of the genuinely friendly people.

I can’t wait to return!

Taj Mahal Anna Phipps -m
Anna is a writer and dreamer who has an incurable case of travel addiction.
She left the UK in Dec 2012 to follow her dreams of a life, filled with travel and adventure.

After falling in love with the; temples, food, culture and chaos of Asia and working in the; Australian Outback; Anna set up 📰 Global Gallavanting

To bring cultures, iconic sights to life and to share her stories and tips to show you that, a life of travel can be affordable, meaningful and totally achievable.

Heather on her travels – Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #9

Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen

Destinations are like children, we love them each for their individual character and find it hard, to choose a favorite.

However, one place that I have been drawn back to a number of times in spring, summer and winter, is … Copenhagen. It’s a city with a relaxed vibe and friendly locals who invariably speak excellent English. There’s sparkling water everywhere you look, whether the canals or the harbour, where you can swim in summer.

Historic buildings rub shoulder with cool modern design and the food is world class, even though you may wince at the price of dinner or a beer. I’d recommend visiting in spring and summer, when everyone hangs out in the parks or around, the harbour and hire a bike, to get effortlessly around town.

Heather CowperHeather Cowper blogs at 📰 Heatheronhertravels

Traveling Canucks – Easter Island

Travel Blogs Favorite Places #10

easter island

The remote island seems almost fictional, like something out of a childhood bedtime story. At times, it feels as if the island was never meant to be re-discovered by modern man, as if it has a dark history, that it doesn’t want to reveal to the world.

We knew very little about Rapa Nui, aside from the iconic images of giant stone heads, that oddly pop out of the earth. Like a man buried in sand on the beach, with nothing but his head visible.

It’s a surreal feeling to be in the presence of the ancient Moai statues, alone and deserted on a volcanic island surrounded by wild horses and whispering trade winds. At times we had to pinch ourselves, to remind us that it wasn’t a dream that we were actually, walking on this mysterious island.


Cam & Nicole Wears, a Canadian couple and parents, that choose to make travel a priority. It is possible to build a career, family and travel the globe, following your passions.

Visit their website at 📰 TravelingCanucks.

Final Thoughts Banner

There you have it!

I have listed just ten of the more prominent travel bloggers, revealing their most favorite, travel destinations to date.

There is so much out there to discover and explore around the world. Hopefully, some of these locations listed above, might offer a little inspiration, on where you would like to travel to next!

👣 Footnote 👣

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😎 Safe and Healthy Travels! 😎

signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

All personal 📸 photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
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