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Three decades later, the big expansion of Delhi University opened Veer Savarkar College in Najafgarh!

Delhi University Expands After Decades New Veer Savarkar College Opens in Najafgarh तीन दशकों बाद दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी का बड़ा विस्तार नजफगढ़ में खुला वीर सावरकर कॉलेज!

Delhi University (DU) is taking important steps towards its expansion after a gap of almost three decades. With this academic session, the admission process will start in Veer Savarkar College located in Roshanpura area of ​​Najafgarh. It is located just five minutes away from the western campus of the newly constructed college DU. This new college has been developed with an investment of Rs 140 crore. The total construction area of ​​the college is 18,816.56 square meters, where the following state-of-the-art facilities are available:

– 24 classes and 8 tutorial rooms

– 40 teacher room and departmental library – Conference Room and Restaurant

According to the Directorate of Education, according to the Directorate of Education, this new college has been established with the objective of meeting the demand for increasing high education in Delhi.

Development of new complexes

Veer Savarkar is developing DU two more new complexes:

1. Eastern Campus & Ndash; In Surajmal Vihar
2. Western Complex & Ndash; In Dwarka Sector 22

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of these new premises on 3 January 2025. The main objective of these expansion schemes is to reduce students’ pressure on current colleges and provide advanced educational facilities to the students.

A total of 2,,46,194 applications were received for 79 graduate courses operated in 69 colleges of DU. Students recorded more than 1.72 crore courses preferences during the admission process. This year 70,422 students were successfully admitted to various courses.

New academic program

DU is also starting many new courses in this academic session, including:

– MTech (Computer Science)
– BR/>- DM (Zeriatric mental health and lung therapy) – MSc (Psychiatry Medicine- Mental Health)

Faculty appointments and infrastructure development:- & nbsp;

DU has recruited 4,784 new teachers in the last three and a half years and 7.784 new teachers in the last three and a half years Members have been promoted. The university is developing its infrastructure at a cost of Rs 1,838.41 crore, including new educational buildings, research facilities and students. The popularity of courses) is increasing rapidly.

Value-Adead Courses Students Number:
– Digital Empowerment: 69,457 – Financial Literacy: 54,401 — Constitutional value and art of pleasure: 37,244

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