On behalf of RPSC (Rajasthan Public Service Commission), Revenue Officer (RO) Grade-2 and Executive Officer (EO) Grade-4 recruitment exam will be held back on 2022 back tomorrow (23 March). About 4 lakh 37 thousand candidates are registered for the examination. The exam will be in an innings, for which Ajmer
Let us know that on 14 May 2023, the Commission conducted RO and EO recruitment examination for 111 posts. It included 1 lakh 96 thousand 483 candidates. A total of 311 candidates had participated in the list released for eligibility check and document verification. On 4 May 2023, the challan was presented on 6 August 2023 after a case was registered in the new city police station, Bikaner. It was reported in the challan that the examination centers were copied through the electronics device.

On 14 May 2023, the candidates were copied through Bluetooth on the day of examination.
Bluetooth was copied
The Commission wrote a letter to ATS and SOG on 12 June 2024 to investigate the complaints received. When the candidates involved in the document verification were suspected, the Commission re -examined the documents of several candidates from 2 to 8 August 2024 and prepared an inquiry note.
On 14 August 2024, Additional Director General, ATS and SOG were written to investigate the matter. Additional Director General ATS and SOG gave several confidential information to the Commission on 28 August 2024. After this, SOG Jaipur arrested several accused in the case filed on October 19.
The report and fact revealed that the paper was leaked. Many candidates copied from Bluetooth. Three reports were filed in this case. In such a situation, the Commission has decided to cancel the examination and conduct it again.
Now the exam will be for 2 hours
The commission is now being conducted back examination. Commission Secretary Ramnivas Mehta told- The exam will be held from 12 to 2 pm. The admit cards can download the application form and date of birth by clicking on the admit card link on the website of the Commission.
Apart from this, admit cards can also be downloaded from the recruitment portal link available in the citizen app by logging on the SSO portal. In the examination, an additional time of 10 minutes will be given to fill the fifth option of OMR answer sheet. Complete information about this is on the Commission’s website.

Entry will be available one hour before
Entry will be given one hour before the examination starts at the exam center. The candidate will be allowed inside only after examining and identification. Candidates arriving late by deadline will not get entry.
Photo identity is necessary
- Candidates are required to bring their original Aadhaar card (color print) for identification.
- If the photo is old or unclear on the original Aadhaar card, then it is necessary to bring other original photo identity cards like voter identity card, passport, driving license, which has colored and clear photos.
- Candidates also put the latest color photo on the admit card.
- Admission to the examination center will not be given in the absence of photo-containing identity cards.
Read this news to know the whole matter ….
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