America is often considered to be the most progressive country in the world and the field of education. But recently, the case of 19 Sala Alesha Ortis of Connecticut has raised a serious question on this thinking. Alesha graduated with Honors from Hartford Public High School, but it is a pity that she does not even know how to read and write properly. This case is not the failure of any one student, but the biggest flaws of the entire American education system.
Now Alesha has registered a case against the Heartford Board of Education and the city’s Intezamia. He is accused that the school ignored his special needs and did not pay any attention to his education. This is a shocking case, but there is no only example. The fact is that racial and economic injustice in American government schools is very deep.
Funding system in US government schools is mostly dependent on local property tax (tax on the property of the area). This means that schools in the rich areas get more funds, while schools in poor and minorities are low.
According to a report in 2019, non-Xit (Black, Latino, Asian, etc.) schools get about $ 23 billion less funding from white mazority schools. In cities like Hartford, where about 90% of students come from the minority background, this issue becomes even more serious.
Low funding Asrarat falls on many things, such as the salary of teachers is less. The condition of classrooms worsens. Extra curricular activities are negligible. Special education services (training of children with special needs) do not run properly.
Due to these circumstances, poor and minority children do not get better training, which causes their mastabil (future) in danger. Alesha was in the Ortis Special Education Services, but the school did not pay any attention to her training needs. In America, big claims of special education are made, but the reality is very different from this.
Research suggests that racial discrimination in special education is also deep. Often, non-eminent children are not given the necessary help and resources, so that they are not able to achieve the advice to read and write basic reading.
Alesha’s case is also an example of this. The schoolmen realized this when there were only two days left for graduation! She was then offered that she can leave the diploma and take special education services. But after 12 years of injustice, Alesha turned down the offer and decided to fight for her rights. There are many serious results of this inequality of training in America, as Mashi (Economic) opportunities decrease:
If children do not study properly in school, then do not get better jobs later. With this, they are stuck in poverty and struggle throughout their life. Many research shows that those who did not take correct training, there are more chances of joining their crime. Poor and minority areas are high crime rates, because there is a very deep talimi inequality there. The non-equality of training makes a huge difference in income, health and lifestyle between white and non-white communities.
When a community does not get the right training, then its political and social effect also becomes weak. Because of this, they are unable to raise their voice firmly for their rights. If America really "Equal occasions" If the one wants to become a country, then he will have to bring major changes in his training policies.
Funding of government schools should not remain dependent on local tax. Federal and State Governments should fund equal in schools in rich and poor districts. More budget and good teachers should be put up in special education services so that non-legend students also get correct training.
Just holding the diploma will not solve the issue. Schools will have to see whether students are actually studying and writing or not. Also, society, parents and teachers should be included more in education policy in training policies so that the accountability of schools increases.
The case of Alesha Orties is not just a student, but the story of the entire system. If America has to make its Talimi Nizam better and equal based, then it will have to end racial and economic inequality. Talim is not just a degree or certificate. Its real purpose should be to make every child capable and give a chance to equal.
Now it remains to be seen what color Alesha’s legal battle brings. But it is clear that their struggle is a fight for millions of children who are victims of this talimi injustice. Now the time has come for the US to look at its education system with seriousness and make it equal in reality.
[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]& nbsp;
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