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Judges Fear for their safety amid a wave of threats | Online threats to judges against Trump: American Justice in panic; Musk is funding anti -judge leaders

Washington DC1 hour ago

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During the election campaign of the US President, Donald Trump threatened strict action against American judges. Now after taking over the chair of Trump’s President, the US judges who pronounced the verdict against their orders have started worrying about their safety.

In fact, many US Federal judges fear that online threats against those who have challenged the policies of the Trump administration may cause violence in the real world.

Trump demands impeachment against judge who pronounced the verdict against

After becoming the President, there has been a flood of threats against the Federal Judges hearing the cases related to the officers who were heard from the jobs and Ilon Musk after becoming President and the DOGE of Ilon Musk.

Recently, President Trump demanded impeachment against a federal judge, which ruled against his administration. After this, threats against the judge on social media intensified. These included pictures shown carrying the judge with handcuffs.

Musk gave heavy donation to those supporting impeachment on judges

Musk has donated more to the Republican Sasandas who support the impeachment on Federal judges who make judges against President Trump.

Musk donated a legal maximum of Rs 5.41 lakh to 7 Republican campaigns. These include Elie Crane of Arizona, Lauren Bobert of Colorado, Andy Ogles of Tennessy, Andrew Clide of Georgia, Deeric Van Order of Visconsin and Brandon Gill of Texas.

Musk also donated to Charles E. Grassli, Senator of Iowa. Musk has supported impeachment on judges.

Judges threatened through pizza, parcel and anonymous calls

Threats against judges are not new, but their number has increased in recent years. The judges are getting threats through anonymous calls to send police swat teams at home address, delivery of pizza. A judge hearing the case against the Trump administration said that the threatening people know where you and your family members live. This is increasing the possibility of violence.

American Federal Judge Esther Salas and her husband Mark Andral. He attended the Senate meeting in 2021. His son was murdered in front of his house in 2020.

American Federal Judge Esther Salas and her husband Mark Andral. He attended the Senate meeting in 2021. His son was murdered in front of his house in 2020.

Esther Salas, a US District Court judge in New Jersey district, says that I feel that people are playing Russian Roule with our lives. Let me tell you that the 20-year-old son of Judge Esther was shot dead in 2020 by a self-proclaimed anti-feminism lawyer at his house. He said that this is not an exaggeration. I request my leaders to understand that people are at stake here.

In Charleston, the Supreme Court judge Amy Koni Barrett was threatened that he had a bomb in his mailbox. It was written- The device will explode the next time the mailbox opens.

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