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Iran’s government media has released this video. It shows missiles and other weapons kept in tunnels.
Iran has released a video of its underground missile city. In this 85 -second video, missiles and modern weapons are visible within the tunnels. This video has been released at a time when Donald Trump’s deadline to end the nuclear program for Iran is close.
Iran’s government media has released this video. In this, the top military commander Major General Mo. Hussain Bagri and Iran Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) Aerospace Force Chief Aamir Ali Hajizade is seen.
Photos of missile city …

Missiles used in Israel attack were seen In the video, both officers are traveling inside the tunnels on the army vehicle and the modern missiles and advance weapons of Iran are seen around. Iran’s most dangerous Khyber Sheken, Kader-H, Sejil and Paweh Land Attack Cruise missiles are also seen. According to reports, these weapons were recently used in an attack on Israel.
These weapons are in open and long tunnels and caves. There is no blast door or separate wall. In such a situation, there is a possibility of dangerous blast in the event of attacks in these tunnels.
Footage of intelligence base has been revealed before In November 2020, footage of Iran’s intelligence ballistic missile base was also revealed. In these, weapons and missiles are being transported through automatic rail networks in underground tunnels. Three years later, in 2023, Iran released footage of another underground complex. The building was built to keep and protect fighter aircraft.
Trump has given 2 months’ time to Iran American President Donald Trump has asked Iran to accept America’s new nuclear deal. In this deal, Iran will have to completely eliminate its nuclear program. Under this, he will not be able to do uranium enhancement and missile development. The US has said that if Iran does not do so, it will have to face strict sanctions. Military action can also be taken.
In the beginning, Iran turned down, saying that nuclear programs are very important for the security of the country. Foreign threat will increase if they eliminate their nuclear program and do not increase missile capacity.
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