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Giveaway: ZeroWater | Busy But Healthy

Giveaway: ZeroWater | Busy But Healthy

Its Water Quality Awareness month! That’s right, August is all about the importance of water! I’ve made the choice to drink the highest quality and purest tasting water. Coming from Vancouver, which is considered to have some of the cleanest water in the world, there is still dissolved solids in our water. Not to mention chlorine which is in pretty much all city water. Recently, I received a ZeroWater pitcher to try and we are loving the taste and convenience of ZeroWater.

We leave it in our fridge, and its great as you can pour it, or it has a spout on the bottom which makes it easier for the little ones to grab a glass of water themselves.

Aside from the convenience, another thing I like about the ZeroWater is that its a 5-stage filtration, vs. the typical 2-stage filters on the market. It also includes a battery operated indicator which allows you to test the water on a regular basis so you know when to change the filter! I love that, as typically, its hard to tell when its time to change it, and sometimes the built-in indicators (if it has one), don’t work very well.

We’ve brought our ZeroWater pitcher on vacation when we’re camping as in some areas we go, the water doesn’t taste very good, and I’m not sure of the source. The ZeroWater unit is easy to travel with, and we just leave it filled up in our trailer at room temp (to save fridge space) and also use the ZeroWater to make ice in our ice machine. We’re in Osoyoos this week and I’ve been using the ZeroWater up here for all our water needs. I must admit, coffee made with ZeroWater tastes amazing. Much better than when I use tap water at home.

Its definitely got the girls drinking more water as it tastes so clean and refreshing.  I’m excited for you guys to try ZeroWater too, so they are kind enough to run a giveaway!

To celebrate Water Quality Awareness Month, ZeroWater kind enough to offer a great giveaway to my readers!

2 people will win a (1) ZeroWater water filtration pitcher as shown above. Contest is open to USA/Canada.

Please use the Rafflecopter box below to enter. The more entries you do, the more chances you have of winning!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclaimer: post and giveaway sponsored by ZeroWater, but my thoughts and opinions are my own.

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