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Bridgespotting Part 2 by Bob Dover {Travel Book Review}

Bridgespotting Part 2

Bridgespotting Part 2
Post Last Modified – March 25, 2025 ¦

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Bridgespotting Part 2 – Connecting More People, Places & Times

As a Baby Boomer Travel, Health & Wellness Blogger and avid reader, I’ve included a book review segment to my blog. My most recent read is the featured author’s latest publication …

🌺 Bridgespotting Part 2 {Connecting People, Places & Times}

I was delighted to have the opportunity to read and to offer a personal review of the first publication {Bridgespotting} from the book’s author; Bob Dover.

His new release arrived in my 📬 mailbox as a complete surprise and was thrilled to have the opportunity, to read and review .. Part 2.

About The Author Of – Bridgespotting Part 2

Bridgespotting Part 2 Cover
Bob Dover is a professional geologist with degrees from Beloit College and the University of
North Carolina.

He has 36 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, specializing in the assessment of environmental impacts for proposed energy and transportation infrastructure projects.

His primary geologic interest is the role of geology and topography in influencing human settlement patterns, architecture, and historical events.

From 2013 to 2022, he visited and photographed more than 600 walkable bridges throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, observing the people and documenting how they used each bridge.

Bridgespotting Part 2 Author

In doing so, he found that bridges represent a unique intersection of his geologic interest, along with his other interests in; biking and photography of landscapes and cityscapes.

He is a contributor of bridge photos and documentation to the; website. Recently retired, he lives in Columbia, Maryland.

More Bridges Connecting People, Places & Times

Covered Bridge Nova Scotia

Covered Bridge Nova Scotia

After reading the author’s first book, it really did get me thinking about all the bridges we’ve come across around the world over the years.

The bridges we’ve seen, photographed and even walked on over the years, I never really gave a second thought to. That is, until reading – Bridgespotting.

Historic Bridge {Spain}

Historic Bridge Spain

After reading {Bridgespotting}, I started searching for old 📸 photographs of some of the bridges we’ve visited over the years and began searching his books to see if any were mentioned.

Indeed there was and in both of his books. I discovered some of these bridges have an extraordinary history!

London England

London England

In Bridgespotting Part 2, Bob points out in more detail, the huge impact a bridge can have on a city, town or small community. Exactly how, where and why a bridge is constructed in a certain location, can have a huge impact!

Both of the author’s books are an amazing and detailed collection of bridges he’s visited throughout the United States, Canada and Europe over the years.

Lisbon Portugal

Lisbon Portugal

Along with extensive documentation and photographs on 600 bridges he has personally viewed and researched on in his first book, Bridgespotting Part 2 includes an additional 250 bridges.

Together, many bridges listed come with descriptive narrative profiles on each.

Final Thoughts Banner

If you love history and especially historical sites including bridges, you simply must grab copies of 📘 Bridgespotting.

Now, whenever we set off to a new destination and prior to leaving home, I check these books to see if any bridges are located in the region we are visiting. As his books have done with me, it just might have you searching for old travel 📸 photographs like I did.

I was amazed at how many we had taken over the years of bridges, we never gave a second thought to.

Montreal Canada

Montreal Canada

Now and for many we had visited in past years, I can learn much more about them in these two great publications.

Bob has done an incredible job in researching hundreds of bridges around the world, compiling his collection in both publications.

For more information, I’ve listed the author’s official website below and where you can purchase his books safely and securely via Amazon.

Author – Bob Dover

👣 Footnote 👣

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signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

🔖 Although my book was provided in collaboration with its author, rest assured, all content and opinions are mine and reflect my personal experience only. 🔖

All personal 📸 photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
🚫 Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 🚫

✨  Did You Know …

“It is estimated that there are over 500,000 bridges in the United States.”
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